Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Everything Beautiful in it's Time

Hello, hello!! Wednesday came in a blink of an eye and I soon realized that I hadn't yet blogged this week. Ah!! No worries though because I'm here and ready and writing...and it feels so perfect.

Today I'm sharing a newly found favorite verse of mine...something that really spoke to me for this adventurous season that I'm in with my sometimes seemingly impossible dreams.  It's from a book that, from my understanding, isn't very popular among the majority of readers.  A book that when read without proper lenses, can appear to be the most depressing and unhelpful of books...Ecclesiastes.  It's written by the wisest man in history, King Solomon.  Solomon was a man who tried everything he could think of in his pursuit of happiness only to realize that there's only one thing that truly matters in life...

While reading Ecclesiastes my heart grows in gratitude as I'm reminded that we're so fortunate to have been left with words of wisdom from others before us who had to learn things the hard way.  Though there are a few different verses that have really caught my attention, there's one verse in particular that spoke louder than the rest...Ecclesiastes 3:11.  It says this, "He has made everything beautiful in it's time." Short. Simple. Sweet. And full of such truth that I daily need reminding of.  "He has made everything beautiful in it's time."  Things will never reach their full potential and full BEAUTY until the right time...His time.  Verses 1-8 in chapter 3 are also all about everything having it's time.  Time to be born, time to die. Time to cry, time to laugh.  Time to mourn, time to dance.  Time to gain, time to lose.  He continues on and on explaining that everything, literally everything, has a time.  Solomon even continues later and says in Ecclesiastes 7:8, "The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit are better than the proud in spirit."  He's really reeeally trying to get his point across.  When we're patient and fully obedient to God's will, then everything in our life will be fulfilled it's it's perfect time...the outcome of all we've been working for and hoping for and dreaming for will finally be reached...and it will be beautiful. 

But how do we as imperfect sinners maintain patience and obedience? That's exactly what Ecclesiastes ends with when Solomon sums up all he's learned by saying, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all." Ecclesiastes 12:13.  He couldn't be any clearer.  "For this is man's ALL." The point of life is not to work as hard as you possibly can for as long as you possibly can so that you can have as much as you possibly can.  No. Solomon tried that, he had it all.  And in the end still realized that none of that meant anything.  The ONLY thing that truly matters is having a right relationship with the Lord.  And in return, while we trust Him and listen to Him, He leads and guides us in His timing. 

And all is beautiful.
All is right.

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