Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June Photos :)

Hello everyone!! It's Wednesday and it feels so strange that it's been a whole week since I last posted! Crazy how busy summer weeks can get...crazy but GOOD!!

Today I'm sharing some highlights from June! June was an absolutely incredible month and I'm so thankful for every single blessing that came my way...I am continually in awe of God's blessings in my life! Here are some pictures to recap some of my favorite moments...some you've seen already, some you haven't! Either way, hope you enjoy this glimpse into my world :)

My 20th Birthday

Celebrating Hannah's 20th birthday!!!

Me and Hannah's combined Alice in Wonderland Themed Tea Party :)

Celebrating my birthday with my Dad in Catalina!
Celebrating our four year anniversary at the Great Gatsby Gala!

Father's Day!

Double date all day long with our amazing friends :)

Our four year anniversary <3

Simon and I during our first day at the gym together!

We found super heroes at church

Beach day with some of my favorite people! Photo credit: Gina Valenti Photography

Hang out at our house!!

All ready for the first Jr. High United 1 Summer Night! Go Red Team!!
Celebrating Melissa's birthday!

That's all today lovely friends!! I'll share in the next few days about some new artsy stuff coming and my goals for this amazing month of to you then :)

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