Friday, July 5, 2013

July Goals and Updates!!

Congratulations! You've made it through another whole week!! And the weekend is officially here :) I'm starting off today by sharing a new frame that I made last's super cute, super poka doty (yes I know that poka doty isn't actually a word), and super awesome for anyone wanting to add a little artful twist to any room! This lovely frame is available for purchase in my Etsy shop, located here.

It amazes me all that has been happening this summer and all that is still to come...SO. MUCH. GOODNESS!!! Andrew's family is coming back to America on Wednesday after two long years in Uganda, I've been doing the internship at my church and helping out with United One Summer Nights for Jr. High every Wednesday night, me and one of my best friends started going to the gym three times a week together, just said goodbye to one of my other best friends who is leaving tonight for a six week mission trip to the Philippines (still don't know what I'm going to do without her!!!), visiting Orange County so see my Dad and friends down there, spending time with my family in Simi, I'm going to be a leader with the ever so amazing Gina Valenti for Summer Camp in a week, the day after camp Andrew and I fly to Arkansas to visit his family, and then two days after we arrive back I'm in one of my beautiful friend's weddings! PHEW!! You're probably like, "Whoa." Oh trust me, I know...because I'm like, "Whoa" too ;)

All that to say...I'm very busy, rarely home, eating way too much fast food, probably going to bed way too late, and having the most amazing summer ever! I am truly truly blessed.

And amongst all of that (along with some babysitting and a new part time catering job on some weekends occasionally) I've been trying to still do my art.  Notice the word 'trying'.  Since my weeks have had things added into them since last months' 'goals' post, I realized that for this month I definitely need to be wise in what I plan since I struggled reaching some of those goals from June. Here's how I did...

I was able to add new types of art to my Etsy shop and was able to start on a new wooden canvas but haven't finished it quite yet (soooo close though!).  I was able to sell two pieces of artwork but definitely epically failed in the whole 'passing out business cards' area...oops. I was able to blog twice a week except for last week and was able to work 15 hours on my art for the two weeks of the month that I didn't have babysitting and catering added in...and last but not least, I was able to research places that I can try to sell my art in the next few months and am excited to share more details about all of that with you SOON.

Not exactly perfect, but out of those places of total and complete failure of goals comes motivation to continue trying harder next time.  So for this month I wanted to make some goals that would still push me yet not set me up to fail. Here's what I've got planned...

Goals for the month of July:
1. Finish the three pieces I've got planned/started on.
2. Blog two times this coming week.
3. Have the most amazing time at Summer Camp!
4. Have the most amazing time in Arkansas!
5. Enjoy every. single. moment.

That's me being honest with myself friends...honest with my limits and honest with where I want most of my energy spent this month. But don't you worry! I will definitely be jumping back in once August comes...

That's it for today lovelies! Talk to you next week...enjoy every moment of your weekend. Every single moment. 

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