Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Check In!!

Happy day!!! I've been having a wonderfully, busy, yet beautiful last few days!! Was able to have a date with my mom, had some lovely ladies over to prepare some crafts for a friend's wedding, and was able to go down to Orange County and see so many people I LOVE!! It was truly perfect :)

Today I'm just doing a little check say "Hello! I'm alive and doing beyond well!" Days continue to move past quicker than expected but I've been trying to enjoy every moment and truly loving each one!

Andrew's family gets back...TODAY!!!!!! They'll arrive in Arkansas around 4 something and we are beyond ecstatic that their two long looooong years are finally over and a new chapter is beginning!! Andrew and I leave on the 10th to go see them and we are so excited beyond words! Brian, Angela, Emily, Morgan, and JoJo....I love you all so much and cannot wait to see each and every one of you :)

As for the art...tomorrow is my planned big 'art day'! I've got two projects planned to do tomorrow and am extremely determined to get them both done! Hopefully some pics will be up when I do my last post for the month on Friday...I'm just ready all that's coming you guys. I'm so so excited and ready! Bring. It. On. 

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