Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I would've never known...

Hello everyone, I hope your Wednesdays have been going amazingly!  I've been working like a mad woman for hours and hours today trying to set up...drum roll ETSY!!  I was honestly secretly hoping that I'd have it all done in time to be able to post today saying that it's officially open but...IT IS A LOT OF WORK!!  I would've never known...

On the outside looking in on different people's Etsy stores, they look so perfect.  And I guess I never really stopped and actually thought about what it must take in order to set up a shop like that.  But lemme just say, it's hard!  I've been enjoying it a lot but it's definitely not just a 'one two three' type of process.  And I never really realized how many minor details there are to consider (even more than I thought) when it comes to setting up.  All this to say, it's going to make it SO worth it when I'm finally done!

Have you ever slaved over making a meal when you're really reeeeally hungry and when you actually get to eat it, it tastes like the most amazing thing you've ever had in your whole entire life?!  Well that's me...right now.  It's hours and hours of work but I know that when I'm finally done, it's going to be so much more enjoyable and gratifying in the end.  And since I've been talking about this for the past few weeks, I'm sure that you're just as ready for me to be done as I am.  Don't worry, you only have to hear me say that "it's coming" for four more days because guess what...?  Then my time will be up!

I've got to go continue working on my store but I hope that each and every one of you has an absolutely beautifully blessed day tomorrow.  Continually remember how blessed you are, tell Him thanks...then maybe even say it again :)

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