Saturday, March 30, 2013


Happy happy happy Saturday!!!  Before I dive into the opening of my shop AND Facebook page, I wanted to take a moment to really honor and celebrate the greatest moment of human history...the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.  What He did on the cross is not to be taken lightly, in fact it's something so extreme that our minds will never fully comprehend the sacrifice Jesus had to make.  The fact that He chose to endure the greatest of sufferings for US is so overwhelming...  His perfect love for us and gift of eternal life with Him is by far the greatest thing anyone has every done in the entire history of humanity.

Thank you God for sending Your one and only Son for me.  Thank you Jesus for that act of true love that only You could fulfill.  You came a sinless man in a world full of take on our sins and make us sinless through Your blood.  You rose three days later, conquering death and making it possible for all who believe in You to have eternal life in Heaven forever.  I could never thank You enough Lord for all that You've done for me.  Because of Your grace and love I am FREE!!

I encourage you to take a moment to truly thank Him for what He did.  Even if you have already, we could never ever thank Him enough.

I love how it just so happened that the grand opening of my Etsy shop and Facebook page landed on this weekend...celebrating our new beginnings because of what Christ did for us AND celebrating the beginning of my store is so so soooo exciting!!! I'm so excited guys!! Could you tell?? ;)

It's official!!
After days and days of setting up, my store imbekahmarie (link) is officially open!!  Please feel very welcome to come check it out even if you aren't interested in purchasing anything.  I'd LOVE for you to see all the hard work and love that's been poured into my shop and I'd also love to hear what you think!

I also created a Facebook page solely for my business so that I can start posting new blog posts, updates, contests, giveaways, etc on my new page instead of mixing it with my personal Facebook page.  Come visit my new Facebook page (link) and push 'like' to hear about anything and everything that goes on with my shop and blog! 

I have so many ideas, so many more things I'm wanting to do/add but I believe that this is a great beginning.  Lemme know what you think :)

Have an amazing rest of your weekend and have an absolutely beautiful day tomorrow celebrating Jesus' victorious resurrection!! I'll see you on Monday :) 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I would've never known...

Hello everyone, I hope your Wednesdays have been going amazingly!  I've been working like a mad woman for hours and hours today trying to set up...drum roll ETSY!!  I was honestly secretly hoping that I'd have it all done in time to be able to post today saying that it's officially open but...IT IS A LOT OF WORK!!  I would've never known...

On the outside looking in on different people's Etsy stores, they look so perfect.  And I guess I never really stopped and actually thought about what it must take in order to set up a shop like that.  But lemme just say, it's hard!  I've been enjoying it a lot but it's definitely not just a 'one two three' type of process.  And I never really realized how many minor details there are to consider (even more than I thought) when it comes to setting up.  All this to say, it's going to make it SO worth it when I'm finally done!

Have you ever slaved over making a meal when you're really reeeeally hungry and when you actually get to eat it, it tastes like the most amazing thing you've ever had in your whole entire life?!  Well that's me...right now.  It's hours and hours of work but I know that when I'm finally done, it's going to be so much more enjoyable and gratifying in the end.  And since I've been talking about this for the past few weeks, I'm sure that you're just as ready for me to be done as I am.  Don't worry, you only have to hear me say that "it's coming" for four more days because guess what...?  Then my time will be up!

I've got to go continue working on my store but I hope that each and every one of you has an absolutely beautifully blessed day tomorrow.  Continually remember how blessed you are, tell Him thanks...then maybe even say it again :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Etsy: What and Why?

It's Monday already! Wow how time flies.  I'm not sure if anyone actually noticed but I only ended up with two blog posts last week.  GASP!  Ironically enough, my excuse is the exact same excuse as the last time I was late on an entry...camping!  (Believe me, I would come up with a way more exciting excuse if I were actually trying to lie to you.)  Camping for two weekends in a row was very fun but I'm definitely excited that this coming weekend with not involve sleeping in a tent. 
Today I looked at the calendar and realized how soon this beautiful month of March will be coming to an end...which means the opening of my Etsy account is coming SOON!!!  I then realized that even though I've been a very huge of fan of Etsy for a few years now, there are many people who have actually never heard of Etsy.  But have no fear!  I am here to help :) 
Etsy is this...a place where creativity and beauty meet.  A place where people from all over the world can create, share, and sell gorgeous pieces with others.  A place where creative passions run wild and anything seems possible.  Etsy is for anyone trying to find one of a kind find those little hidden treasures you can't find anywhere else in the whole entire universe.  It's also a place for those just interested in looking around and exploring what others have made.  The first few words to this paragraph have a link to Etsy itself.  Come look around and explore...I know you will find something that you will LOVE.  
(Picture credit:
My goal of opening up an Etsy account before the end of this month is scary...very scary.  There are a lot of little things that need to be done in order to prepare for opening my shop...lots of thoughts continually running through my head.  BUT, I know that it's going to be the beginning of something great.  I have no idea what to expect, no idea if anything will actually get sold but here's what I do know.  I know that in this scary vulnerable place, this place of sharing my heart with the world and having no control of the outcome, in this very act of diving into the will bring glory to His name. 
And that is why I'm alive.  To bring glory to the name of Jesus through the very gifts and talents that He's given me.  Once my store is open, the rest is up to Him.  He can use it however He wants to use it.  I used this quote in my very first blog post but I'm using it again because of how absolutely powerful it has been in this current season of my life..."Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." -Corrie Ten Boom.  I cannot emphasize enough how powerful and life changing this truth is.  The truth that our futures will forever be unknown, but that He will forever be trustworthy.
What is that thing that you're afraid to do?  That thing that maybe even came to mind while reading this today... Is there something you're interested in learning?  A hobby/interest that you're wanting to pursue again?  A place you want to go or a person you want to talk to?  Bring it to Him.  Share with Him your heart, your fears.  He already knows and He's waiting, literally waiting, for that moment that you surrender complete control of your future to Him.

Lord I surrender my future Etsy store to You.  May you use it to bring glory and honor to Your name...whatever that may look like.  May You use my artwork to speak to those who don't yet know you and may they come to understand the absolute beauty and Truth of who You are.  In Your precious name, Amen. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My 'Artist' Hero!!

Hello again, and welcome back!  Hope everyone's week has been wonderful so far :)  I announced this on one of my Facebook posts but just wanted to give another congratulations to Gina Valenti for being the winner of my first ever free giveaway!!  Thanks for participating Gina and I hope you enjoy your free mixed media tag! :) For everyone else, there are many more fun things coming so don't you worry!

Today I'm introducing someone artist hero you might say.  A mixed media artist who not only does beautiful work, but who does work that truly speaks to me.  This woman has an amazing story of how she started from nothing and grew to become the famous artist she is today.  Her story inspired me so much that I bought and read her book AND her e-book...both of which, I couldn't get my eyes off of.  This beautiful woman is...Kelly Rae Roberts!

The Lord truly uses her artwork to speak to me in such a way that I've never encountered before.  I don't know what Kelly Rae Roberts' faith is like, but I believe that God is using her artwork for His speak things from His heart.  Not every single piece speaks this intensely to me but there's always that one that makes me stop...dead in my tracks...and stare.  Or that one that makes my heart leap because of the truth that it's speaking.  There was even one that made me cry...literally cry.  Because in a moment of doubting myself, doubting the very dream that makes me come alive (I shared about it in my first blog post), in that moment, God used one of her pieces to say exactly what I needed to hear in order for me to keep on going and continue running this race.  

There are so many pictures I wish I could add to my post today to show off how absolutely gorgeous Kelly Rae Roberts' artwork is but unfortunately, she doesn't know me (I just know that one day she will though!!!) and I can't bring myself to share her pictures on my blog without asking her permission.  BUT, I did link her name above to her beautiful website so please please please, go check her out!!  Read her story, look through some of her artwork.  You will not be disappointed. 

I have 11 days left to open up my Etsy account and make a Facebook page for my creative business...eeek!!! Again, thank you for joining me along this adventure of mine...I've truly enjoyed having you here :)  Have a great next few days!!

Go find someone who inspires you...tell them thanks :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

New mixed media creation FREE giveaway!!

It's Monday!!  Thank you for showing up today.  I know that advertising a free giveaway definitely helps bring in a few extra glances but I'm sincerely excited that you are here.  You, yes YOU! Because YOU are the whole reason for the existence of this blog.  YOU are the person I'm writing to and sharing my artwork with.  Because God put YOU on my heart and I truly believe that each and every person who reads this, is not reading it by coincidence.  He sees you, He hears you, He loves you.  And He's put me here for such a time as this to bless you with the talents He's given me in whatever forms that may mean...encouraging words, inspiring art, fun projects, pretty pictures, free's all for YOU.  So again from the deepest part of my heart, I say thank you for coming.  :)

Now, onto what most of you have probably been asking..."How do I win something FREE?"  Well first off let me share with you what exactly it is that you have the chance to win... These are my newest mixed media pieces and I've been so excited to share them with you.  Introducing my first ever mixed media tags!!

I created these little beauties because the more I thought about opening up an Etsy account soon, the more I realized that I really wanted a broader variety of things for people to choose from.  I wanted an option for those interested in my art who may not necessarily want to buy a large piece to hang somewhere...and that's what is so awesome about these! You can put them just about anywhere!! Below are some different ideas of how you could use them...

I started with these five simple words because each one meant something special to me...but there's many more to come!  And once my Etsy account is open, I'll create an option where you can customize how you want your tag to look and what you want it to say.  Want your name hanging in your car? Done!  Want an encouraging word or scripture hanging in your room? Done!  Easy as that.

And now for your chance to win your pick of one of these five gorgeous tags...Here's what you need to do:

1.  Read today's post! (If you've gotten this far, chances are that step one is DONE!)
2.  Be the first person to post your answer to this question down in the comments below.  The question is... If you could pick any one word to describe who you are, what would it be and why?
3.  Wait for me to see your post and announce you as the winner on Facebook!  I'll then further contact you to find out exactly which tag you'd like and the best way to get it to you...for FREE!
Easy enough, huh? :)

I can't wait to see what your answer is!!  And even if you're not the first person to make a comment, I'd still LOVE to hear your answers to my question.  It just might inspire me to make a tag based off the word that describes you best!  Thank you again for being here today.  Each comment, 'like', and kind word about my blog and art is more encouraging than any of you could ever know.  In the process of me desiring to bless others, I have been so very blessed in return.  

Well it's that time for me to end my post for today...
So on your marks...get set...GO!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chance to win one of my pieces for FREE!!

Hello any/all of you sweet and beautiful and wonderful people! I was unable to post yesterday because I was on a fantastic camping adventure in Joshua Tree!! And lemme just say, I loved it.  Tiring yes, but oh so fun and worth it!  It was such a needed little get away and I know I will remember and treasure these newly made memories forever.

Me at Joshua Tree National Park

Due to those last few long days, my brain hasn't quite recovered with all of it's normal creative juices flowing and so for today my blog will be left short and sweet.  BUT, you won't want to miss Monday...where I reveal pictures of some new mixed media art that I've made and you get a chance to win one for FREE!!!  Most of the time when I create something I get so excited and post a picture of what I made on Facebook/Instagram for all the world to see...but this past week I haven't. These are not like any of the other pieces I've done before and never before seen creations!!! I'm pretty excited to share my new pieces with you and I hope that you're excited too.  Here's how YOU can win one for free...

Very Important:  The very first person to read my blog on Monday and answer the question I will ask by posting in the comments will receive one of the new pieces I showed that day for FREE!!  Definitely don't miss out on this opportunity guys...because come on, who doesn't love free things??

I pray you have an amazingly wonderful rest of your weekend everyone!  See you on Monday!! :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DIY Blessings Jar and why it's so important!!

DIY Blessings Jar

It's Wednesday night everyone!! Just keep're over halfway through the week now! :) Today I decided to talk about something extraordinarily important to the happiness of each and every individual on the planet.  This is something that affects your happiness whether you're rich or poor, young or old.  Something so valuable and yet often times so neglected and forgotten.  The key to happiness is as easy as being able to recognize our blessings.

One of my all time favvvvvorite verses talks about it as simply this...1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks."  One of the reasons I love this verse so much is because it's so crystal clear.  It's not confusing, lengthily worded, or hard to understand.  And the part that I want to focus on right now is the very last phrase (the part you probably already knew I wanted to talk about because I craftily put it in bold!)

In everything give thanks.  Not in some things or in moments when we're in a good  In EVERYTHING!  When Starbucks is closed and you can't get your morning thankful you can drive down the street to another one!! (trust me, I've lived without could be far worse than an extra five minutes!)  When you don't have enough money to get that 'thing' you'll die without...give thanks that you've had enough money for a warm bed and food on your table.  When you're stuck in traffic on the freeway...give thanks that you have a car and gas to get you where you need to go.  

In everything give thanks.  The thanks that this verse is talking about is meant to be fully and freely GIVEN.  Given meaning without expecting anything in return.  If you say thanks to God for giving you something because you are secretly hoping that you'll receive more for your gratefulness...then you haven't truly given anything.  It'd be like someone giving you a thank you card for that beautiful birthday gift you gave them, and then writing in the card asking when they're going to get their Christmas present.  Don't give thanks in expectation for more...give thanks freely, trusting and knowing that He who gave will continue to give all that you could ever need.

In everything give thanks.  Say THANKS for all the blessings in your life.  According to, the definition of thanks is, "To express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to" (  We need to express how grateful and appreciative we are by giving thanks and acknowledging the One who has given us everything.  Don't you think He deserves it?  How would you feel if you handed someone a gift and they took it, turned the other direction, and left without saying a word?  I'd be upset.  Pretty darn upset!  Don't turn your back to all the blessings our Father is continually giving us on a daily basis...don't walk away without a THANKS.

And that is why I've made a blessings jar!  Not only do I try to give thanks throughout the day (which I hope to always do more and more) but I also started to write down blessings and put them in a jar!  This way, at the end of the year I will be able to dump out my blessings jar and re-read, or re-THANK, the Lord for all the blessings He's given me.  Because guys, I truly believe He deserves that and more.  And's the easiest DIY project ever!! Here's what you do...

DIY Blessings Jar:
All you need is...
1. Jar, cup, container...anything to store notes in!
2. Something pretty/cool you want to put at the bottom of your jar
3. Pretty ribbon or anything cool you want to add on the outside of your jar
4. Some paper that you can cut and a pen to write

Step 1- Fill the jar/container with your cool/pretty things!  I used a mason jar and some pearl beads that I happened to have because I mean come on...pearls=pretty!!

Step 2- Wrap something awesome around the top or outside to add some extra greatness to the look of your blessings jar!  Here I found some lace I wasn't using and it turned out perfectly.

Step 3- Cut some paper into small squares and start writing your blessings!  Here I used some different paper scraps and off I went!! You've just finished one of the easiest and most valuable DIY projects ever!

Simply by sitting here writing this, it's been such a great reminder of all that I have to be thankful for...I am truly truly blessed.  And now it's your turn!  I sincerley hope that this little DIY project will help inspire every single one of you to continually recognize your blessings and 'in everything give thanks.'  I encourage each and every one of you to start opening your eyes to the things around you....find beauty in the ugly, find blessings in the least expected places.  Because I promise you they are there...on your mark, get set, GO!! 

Feel free to share some blessings in your life...I'd love to hear about them :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

A glimpse at the Awakening Conference!!

Happy Monday everyone! :) Who's excited for the start of a fresh week? ME!!  This past week was one of the busiest weeks I've had in a very long time.  My church youth group, Remedy at Discovery Church, hosted their very first youth conference and it was absolutely amazing!  I loved being able to serve on the leadership team and help out with planning the set up, decorations, and creating an inviting's seriously one of my favorite things to do!  Hearts were healed, lives changed, and people saved.  Here are a few pictures from our amazing Awakening Conference...

The transformed lobby/sitting area
 Our amazing dollar cafe!

 The most fabulous coffee lounge ever!! (Where I spent most of my time behind the counter haha)

The Coffee Lounge mixed media menu created by yours truly and a guy with the world's fanciest writing!

And of course, the most important part.  Lives being changed while bringing honor and praise to He who deserves our everything.  Lord, You are so good!

This conference was completely worth all my hard work, time and energy!  And I am so blessed to have been a part of such an amazing group of men and women.  Seriously you guys, these people have some of the biggest servant's hearts I've ever seen.  It was truly an honor to work along side each and every one of them.

Thank you Father for this past week and for all the lives that were changed!  I pray that every person who was not able to attend this conference (you included!) would be filled with Your love and blessed beyond imagine throughout this next coming week.  Let us continually learn how serve more, love more, and be more like You.  In your precious son's name, Amen!

Friday, March 8, 2013

DIY Wooden 'Canvas'

Psalm 37:4 mixed media on wood
Happy Friday everyone...and hello sweet weekend!  Today I'm going to show you how I made my first wooden 'canvas' step by step (used for the mixed media I've shown above).  For whatever reason, I LOVE the look of wood...absolutely love it!  So I decided to make something that would give me that luscious wood look for my art instead of always using a regular canvas.  I made this a little over a week ago but am dying to share my process with you so that you have the knowledge of how to make your very own wood 'canvas' too!  Off we go...

Step 1- Gather your supplies!  I was super antsy to start this project and chose to simply go to Home Depot for supplies rather than researching the cheapest options available.  Wood crates can also be used for free (as shown above on right) but I ended up still buying wood for the sake of making my first attempt easier to work with.  After finding wood that I thought looked good, I picked up a gorgeous wood stain, simple brush, and tube of liquid nails.  You will also need a pair of gloves, cloth or rag, saw, sandpaper, and tape measure (all of which I found at home).  The wood in the above left picture is enough to use for a few different wooden 'canvases' depending on the size that you're don't feel like it takes that much to make one!  Size and quantity is completely up to you. 

Step 2- Sand and Cut! Next I decided which pieces of wood I wanted to use, measured them, and cut them.  I knew that I was supposed to sand the wood but couldn't find sandpaper at the time so I totally skipped that step...and then got a giant splinter stuck in my palm which has still yet to come out.  SO, lesson learned...sand your heart out!  I only had a hand saw to work with which I can't say I really recommend...BUT it does do the job.  This was the first time I've ever sawed something myself and I was actually really proud of my three little pieces of wood! 

Step 3- Stain away!  You'll want to make sure you've got gloves on before you start this because trust me, wood stain is veeeery sticky to the skin.  After applying the stain to each piece of wood with my brush, I let them sit for about 10 minutes and then used my rag to wipe off any excess stain (just following the directions on the stain can).  Afterwards, I let them sit for a few hours to make sure the stain was completely dry.  This was one of my favorite parts of the whole process because they turned out absolutely gorgeous!  (Left above shows the wood before and the right shows after.) 

Step 4- Glue, Let Dry, and Admire!  After letting the stain fully dry, I added some liquid nails to the edges of my wood and stuck it all together.  This would definitely be easier with a clamp to hold it all together while it's wet but I didn't have one so I had to do you can see though, it still worked!  I let the wood dry for 24 hours before picking it up but so far it's been holding together perfectly.  

And then I was done!! I literally stood in my garage just staring at the lovely creation I had just made because I was truly proud of myself.  Though it did take some time and energy, the end result was absolutely worth it.  I highly recommend this little DIY project to anyone interested in creating something basic out of wood or to anyone just wanting something fun to create.  And of course you saw my finished mixed media project that I used this wood 'canvas' for in the very first picture.  It ended up being my favorite piece yet! Know of any other beautiful DIY wood projects?? PLEASE SHARE!!! I would love to hear from you :)

Have a safe, blessed, and beautiful weekend sweet friends.  Do something creative.  Enjoy every moment.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Setting Goals and Enjoying the Journey

Hello again, glad you're back :)  For today's post I really wanted to share about how important goals are...and admit at how terribly bad I can be at reaching them sometimes.  Seriously you guys, there are moments where I'm so on top of things and then there are those moments where I procrastinate and am not moving in the direction I'm wanting to move in at all.  It's as if I'm trying to paddle a boat around on the sand while expecting to reach my destination...I'm never going to get there.

Without having goals you cannot, and will not, reach your dreams.  Why, might you ask?  Because your goals are part of the journey and your dreams are the destination.  You can't just be standing in one place and expect to instantly be standing in a different doesn't work that way.  In order to get somewhere else you have to decide on where you want to go (dream/vision), how you plan to get there (goals), and of course, you have to start the journey. 

I can't even tell you how many times I've come up with the most spectacular, awesome, amazing idea ever and then end up doing absolutely nothing in order to get there.  And for whatever reason, I then find myself disappointed that my idea never came to life...but the fault lies with me.  I had no goals.  Or even worse yet, if I did, I never pursued them.  

It's also drastically important to realize that the journey is actually often times far more beneficial and valuable than the destination you're trying to reach.  The journey is what makes you who you are.  The learning, listening, and preparing.  The failing, the falling, the tears.  The succeeding, the growth, the joy.  The ugly, the beautiful...all of it.  In order to reach your dreams and become all that you were meant to be, you must accept the journey.  No matter how messy or scary it may seem.  I've wasted far too much time fighting the journey and lemme just tell helps nothing and moves me nowhere.

I've already shared my dream...but now I want to share the goals that I've come up with so far.  Sharing with others and having deadlines for your goals is reeeeally key to actually meeting them.  (Trust me...I've learned the hard way!) So I'm sharing with YOU!  Here they are...steps (goals) to my journey ahead...

1.  Start a blog and write three times a week.  (Moving in the right direction so far!)
2.  Open up an Etsy account (before the end of the March.)
3.  Start a separate Facebook page solely for my business (before the end of the March.)
4.  Work on my art/blog/etsy/ for at least 15 hours a week.  (After all, I stopped pursuing a part time job for this...I need to make it count!!)

Though they are basic and few, it's my start...the start of my journey.  And the more of these tiny goals I reach, the further I move in my journey and the closer I get to where I want to be. 

And the same is true for YOU.  Take some time today (even if just for a few minutes while sitting on that lovely porcelain throne of yours) and really ask yourself, "What is/are my dream/dreams?"  "What's that thing that brings me instant joy whenever I picture myself doing it?" Write it down...anywhere.  And then continue to think throughout the day of at least three goals that would help you get a tiny bit closer to that dream.  I really encourage you to do this...whether the smallest dream or largest.  I promise you that standing still is not taking you any closer.  But envisioning a dream, setting goals, and running towards them most certainly will.  And don't ever forget to enjoy the journey

No longer paddling on sand, I've finally hit water. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

My journey begins, and I'd love for you to join me!

Hello, I'm Bekah Marie.  And this is me taking one tiny step closer towards the dreams and passions inside me that make my heart jump with excitement...those things that stir me at my very core.  This is me saying 'Hello beautiful world, I'd like to share something with you." 

If I could be anyone in the whole wide world, I would be an artist.  I would be an artist and start my own creative business.  The truth though is that I've been afraid.  Afraid of not being good enough.  Afraid of pouring my heart into something so uncertain and so unseen, and failing.  Flat out failing.  But I've been realizing something over the last few months that's been yelling at me louder than the fears...I just can't wait anymore.  I can't let this fear and uncertainty hold me back any longer because there's God given passions and talents leaping to get out of me.  And I'm choosing to say yes!  To partner with the Master Creator Himself, pushing all fears aside, and running harder than ever before towards the desires of my heart.

And that's exactly what you're going to find here on this blog.  My heart.  My heart is to love people.  Encourage and uplift.  My heart is to create with wild abandon, beauty, and freedom through the gift of knowing who God has made me to be and through the passions and talents He's given.  And it would be the biggest blessing ever if through me sharing my journey ahead with you, you were somehow able to walk away encouraged and strengthened too.  And that's my prayer.  That this blog would become a source of encouragement, inspiration, beauty and Truth as I embark on an adventure to find my creative voice and soar.  1 Corinthians 10:31 "...whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." v. 33 "...not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many that they may be saved."
This is my goal.

I now want to share a story with you.  A story that really tested all these things I've been thinking in my head and forced me to prove whether or not I truly wanted all that I had been desiring... 

I had been trying to find a job for months with absolutely no luck.  At all.  Every single door remained shut and I was really confused and discouraged as to why.  A few weeks ago though, I finally started looking at my schedule and realized something...any free time that I currently had, I tried to spend it doing art.  And if I tried adding a part time job to my schedule I would have absolutely no time to work on my art anymore.  It finally occurred to me that maybe the reason why I hadn't been able to find a job was because now was my time to fully run towards my dreams of being an artist and starting my own creative business.  Maybe now was my time to start working towards what I've been wanting for so long.  And this thought brought me so much peace.  I even shared with my amazing boyfriend, Andrew, about it all and told him how excited I was that I finally found what to do with this season that I was in.  Until the next day hit.  And with this new day came three different possible job opportunities...that's right, threeeeee.  Should I pursue them since I had been looking for a job for months?  Or should I stick to the peace that I had just found in the thought of focusing on my art?  I was now more confused than before.  So I prayed, and prayed some more.  And I got some very direct and right on verses that really helped me understand what to do in that mess of a place I was in.... Ephesians 4:1 "...walk worthy of the calling with which you were called..." 2 Corinthians 8:10 "And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; v.11 but now you also must complete the doing of it, that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have." After lots of prayer and being given these verses, I knew that I needed to stick to the peace I had about pursuing what I am called to do, the desires I've been wanting to complete and fulfill for so long.  I felt like the Lord was testing me..."Did you really mean what you had said last night Bekah?"  "Would you really be willing to give up a job in order to pursue the scary and unknown?" 

My answer is yes.  Yes Lord, I am willing to let go of the certain and run with you into the unknown.  I am willing to push through all those fears that have been yelling for so long and I choose to believe in the Truth.  I'm ready to take those creative passions and dreams that are such a part of who I am, and I'm ready to give them all I've got.  I absolutely love this quote by Corrie Ten Boom, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." 

This blog doesn't look or sound perfect...and that's okay.  My art will never be perfect or loved by everyone...and that's okay.  I don't really have a clue as to what I'm getting myself into or how it's all going to work...and that's okay.  I don't have all the information, money, resources, or answers yet but guess what?  That's okay.  And you are now a witness.  Yes you, sitting reading this extremely long post...whoever you may be.  You are a witness to the beginning of a beautifully messy journey.  And I'm so thankful, excited and blessed that you're here for the run. 

 One of my mixed media pieces on canvas that really spoke to me about this season that I'm in..."Unlock the doors you never thought you'd open."

Here I go