Friday, August 30, 2013

Guess Who's Finally Back? :)

It's me again!! After waaaay too long I'm finally writing on here again...can you believe it?! What I originally guessed would only be a break for a couple of weeks turned into much much longer...and the longer I stayed away from my art the harder it was to get going again. Weird how that happens huh?

So today I'm officially starting to get back to business!! A LOT has changed since I last wrote on's a quick summary of what I'm currently up to. I have a catering job about once a week and have been babysitting more frequently.  Due to a lot of transition at Discovery, I'm hoping to start stepping up more and become more involved in Remedy (youth and college ministry).  I applied to a local Bible College and was accepted! This was my first week of classes and even though it's going to be a lot of hard work, I'm super excited! 

All this to say, my schedule is no longer as open and free as it used to be and I'm definitely having to re adjust my art schedule and expectations. Even though I will no longer be able to do 15 hours of art each week...the art must go on!!! My new weekly goals are these: Blog once a week, and create for at least 5 hours a week. I'm ready to get going!

Today I made a mailbox via request from my mom.  She's buying it from me as a birthday gift for one of her friends. It was the perfect project to get me back into the swing of things!  All I know is that I've missed getting paint on my hands and glue all over me...and it feels so great to be creating again!! Here are the pictures from the mailbox I created today...hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

Have an absolutely beautiful rest of your evening!! Make every moment count. See you next week! :)